Eversley Cricket Club

Eversley Cricket Club News story

ECC Match fees and thank yous

08 Sep 2020

Hello everyone,

As we approach the final weekend of cricket in this very odd season I want to bring a few things to your attention.

Firstly, if you get a moment please take the opportunity to thank the incredible efforts of the grounds team and administrators/facilitators including captains and coaches who have worked very hard in their spare time to bring cricket to our hundreds of members. These people truly are heroes of our community and we are indebted to them for all their sacrifices and dedication. 

Following on from that, the result of having lots of cricket played but very little cash collected in match fees means that the club is owed a fair amount of money from those who have promised to pay online. Please make sure and go back through your weekends this summer, count how many games you have played for the adult section (regardless of whether you are a colt or not) and make sure you have provided £6 for each game you have played. If you need the bank details of the club for a BACS transfer please see below. In time we will correlate the weekly team lists against the monies collected but as you might imagine that is a lot of admin so firstly I would like to offer everyone to opportunity to make sure they settle up before I need to come chasing you!

Finally, the club social secretary Joe Howorth is planning a socially-distanced-bash for the final home Saturday this weekend. More details to follow so watch this space...

Thank you all for contributing to the strangest summer, hoping you stay safe and well for the future.

Jon Last, ECC Chair


P.s. Bank details:   Eversley Cricket Club; 20-16-99; 90470287;  Please put as much detail in the reference as you can