From the Eversley Parish Magazine (Nov 2011)
Many years ago the same people ran the Cricket and the Football clubs. People like Geoff Bundy, George Taylor and others sadly long gone were an inspiration to people in the village for the fostering of sport and self made entertainment. They and others were always at the forefront of village events and provided constant encouragement to our youth to participate. It was people like them who encouraged us to investigate, fund and build the ESA we have today. The ESA is a great example of a grass roots development project achieved by volunteers for the Community. Very many people have been involved, the Clubs, the Parish Council, the School, the Surgery, all tiers of Government and many individuals and local companies have generously given time and money to the Project.
The Aims and Objectives of the ESA include widening and deepening access to sport for both sexes, for players and spectators young and old. We recognise the huge contribution that well managed competitive sport can make to society in a whole raft of measures including health, behaviour, education, management training, entertainment, happiness and general well being, etc. The significance of sport cannot be over emphasised and we are fortunate to have built a Focus for Sport in the Community. The ESA in this respect is a major social services provider and requires careful fostering to deliver the Community’s needs in the decades ahead.
The village will continue to expand irrespective of individual preference purely from the population pressure and the favoured economic status of this area. No condition is permanent; therefore we all need to plan for the future as individuals and as a Community.
The ESA is now a substantial village institution, with high value assets, a large membership of players and social members and an increasing participation of village residents in the management of the Clubs.
You will be pleased therefore to learn that the application to the Charities Commission has been accepted and the aims and objectives and structure of the ESA have been protected for generations to come. The ESA company registration number is 4993949 and the Charity registration number is 1142974. The charity has 3 Members, The Eversley Cricket Club, The Eversley Football club and California Football Club, and is managed by a board of nine Trustees. Four Trustees are elected by the Cricket Club, 3 by California Football Club, and 1 by Eversley Football Club. The Eversley Parish Council elects the remaining Trustee. The Trustees have co-opted other members to the Board to serve specific roles. The management of the ESA and all the Clubs is provided by volunteers, who as you would expect receive no expenses or remuneration for their work. Owing to Charity Commission regulations the ESA has established a wholly owned subsidiary called the Eversley Sports Association Trading Company registration number 7732302 to run the bar. Profits from the operation of the bar will be donated to the ESA free of taxation. The ESA Trustees will control the subsidiary company which will start trading from the 1st of January next year.
The income for the ESA comes from the following sources, fees from the Clubs, profits from the bar donated by the subsidiary company and funds raised from events such as the fireworks, dances, hire of the Clubhouse and other assets. Each club also holds fun raising events such as the Lashings Cricket Match, Trophy Day and the Football Tournament for their own needs. The annual budget is approximately £100,000 and it has been a struggle to
generate the income to cover the costs in recent times. With the re- launch of the successful Fireworks courtesy of the Sellick Family, Robert Collard, The Forestry Commission and importantly Fireworks International we hope to be able to close the funding gap. Any ESA deficit becomes the responsibility of the Clubs.
So what can we expect from the ESA in the future. These are interesting times, our 100 year old Football Club is racing up the league tables, our 225 year old Cricket Club goes from strength to strength and California is the premier junior football club in the area with over 30 teams. All these clubs are of course ambitious and the ESA wish to support them in their endeavours as best we can. Improved performance on the field comes from a combination of improved coaching, better facilities and determination.
The Football Association has strict rules on facilities for teams in particular leagues and recently we submitted an application to install flood lights on the ground to meet one of these rules. The application was withdrawn following criticism from the EPC and some parishioners. We have taken note of the comments and have investigated several ways in which the issues raised can be addressed. Sometime in the future a further application may be necessary. The ESA is also in discussions with CEMEX to acquire additional land to be used for car parking and additional recreational use. The ESA is not limited to football and cricket and wants to explore the development of other sports or leisure activities with village groups. Therefore we would be pleased to hear your ideas.
The ESA does recognise that its activities do have some negative impact on a few members of our parish. Noise and traffic can be a problem and we want to work with those persons affected to minimise the impact as much as we can. The Grounds are, however, on the periphery of the village and therefore affect a comparative minority. Nevertheless the ESA want to do whatever is possible for our neighbours. We came from the heart of the community and wish to remain in that place.
Michael Slater
ESA Chairman