Eversley Cricket Club

Eversley Cricket Club News story

Eversley CC Covid guidelines

25 Apr 2021

Good evening everyone,


As we get back to playing ways I am pleased to say that as far as I know everyone at the club have been following the rules and regulations in place. However, just to be fair and diligent here is a reminder of how members should be when attending cricket events or using our facilities. 

  • Everyone must self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms prior to leaving home and not attend if symptomatic but to follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.
  • I need to inform you that there is an increased risk associated with taking part in cricket activity as with any social activity. This is particularly relevant to some people with health conditions, advice can be found on the NHS website.
  • Eversley CC advises everyone to comply with public health restrictions and avoid high-risk behaviour outside of the cricket setting.
  • Eversley CC reminds you to adhere to legal gathering limits before and after cricket activities and to act responsibly to limit transmission risk wherever possible.
  • Ultimately it is your choice to participate in the currently modified version of the game and everyone needs to comply with COVID-19 measures put in place.
  • Social distancing and good hygiene practice should be maintained at all times whilst at ECC or any other club ground.
  • The changing rooms will be closed (with limited exceptions for disabled persons) and therefore everyone playing or training should arrive and go home in their kit.
  • All members should bring their own food (including tea) and drink and water bottles should be clearly marked with the owner’s name and not shared.
  • Social distancing and the Rule of 6 (or as a group made up of two households) should be observed off the field.
  • Sharing of equipment must be avoided where possible.
  • No sweat or saliva should be applied to the ball.
  • All matches have been amended to include breaks to use hand sanitiser, please observe these or wash your hands with soap if preferred.
  • Spectators are not allowed on club grounds but clearly as we are open to the public we do not have jurisdiction beyond our grounds, please do not challenge members of the public unless they are in close proximity of the clubhouse and other ECC facilities etc.  I would encourage all ECC members to not challenge members of the public if they feel at all unsafe in doing so as there is little the club can do to protect you under such circumstances.
  • The club has a QR code for the track and trace system, you are encouraged to use it.
  • Unless an emergency, First Aid should only be delivered by those with training. Anyone administering First Aid is strongly encouraged to use gloves, wear a face mask and to take as little time doing so as possible.
  • Steps have been taken to allow the bar to begin serving such as service from the door and exclusively contactless card payments, please adhere to all instructions given to you by the bar staff and signage at the ECC clubhouse.


If there are any questions on the club's response to Covid then please send them to myself and/or John Ellis at jheeversleycc@gmail.com


Thank you again for your cooperation, if we all come together and stick to the rules for the greater good then I am sure we can keep the club Covid free and avoid any shut downs.

Yours sincerely,


Jon Last, Club chair
